Thursday, November 4

Zareef the good boy... iyeke??

Zareef was showing me this league there are having at Pre-school. I was wandering why he was so eager. Apparently he was leading the others in a 'Good Behaviour League'. It made me proud to see it (good job zareef). Somehow it just doesnt fit on how he acts out at home... ni case dera mak bapak ni. But sebenarnya he is turning out to be a good boy. I thought the day will never come - those who saw Zareef growing up understands this (he was like the character stitch from the cartoon 'lilo & stitch' ). Alhamdulillah and we pray this continues for Zara and him so that they become good ppl. Insyallah.

"Theres no bigger success for us than making our children better ppl"


Lynnda said...

Well done Zareef!... Bravo!

Shahrul said...

Congratulations a good boy...jangan ikut macam ayah...haha

ZZ said...

siut je uncle shahrul... ayah dulu kawan ngan uncle shahrul lah jadi tak good boy