We just got backed from the hospital. Zara was warded since last wednesday due to acute bronchitis and A.G.E (something to do with muntah2 and diarrhea). Th same reason on her previous stay in the hospital when she was 8 months old (second visit in 15 months.. i hope its not going to be a ritual).
She hated the medicine, the gas treatment (nebulizer), the nurses and the docs. Each time she saw anybody in uniform intruding her 2 ft personal space she’ll just scream and buat muka takut (or memang dia takut pun). Personally it was hard seeing Zara in the hospital but it wasn’t as bad as our previous visit because this time she wasn’t I.V-ed (yg needle cucuk tangan bagi liquid tu) and a little bigger/stronger.
Everybody (mama, bibik, ayah and the nurses) had a hard time giving her the medicine . She knew when to scream/cry without opening the mouth whenever the syringe is loaded. Somehow the crying sound was still powerful although it had a muffling resemblance. She also developed a technic/payback spit, the harder you push it in my mouth the messier i’ll make your clothes and face. Who knew how far an angry infant can spit. On a serious note, the nurses taught us to always keep the head upright and try feeding the medicine at the ends of the mouth (not the middle) to avoid any choking especially when their are crying. Closing the nose (forcing them to breath while swallowing) is to be avoided but Zara just didn’t cave in.
The nebulizer is just the worst.. Zara will not stop crying and try to pull the mask away from the first gas sound it makes until the gas runs out. Leaving her all exhausted and red (muka dah lah pale and white). This happens every 4 hours for about 5-10 minutes each session. But alhamdulillah the trouble was worth it, the doc said her lungs are all cleared this morning apart from a little kahak and gave the discharge instruction. We were relieved because everybody was getting a little tired of the hospital/being away from each other and home to be honest.
Something to share about the hospital (forgot to mention it was SMC in Seksyen 20 Shah Alam), they were really helpful and courteous. Made us knew what was going on all the time, never showed any ‘kerek-ness’ (all malaysians know what i’m talking about) when we asked for anything. Everybody (from the parking guy, security guard, nurses and docs) seemed accommodating, professional and that melayu caringness feeling. Lets just say it was a lot less hassle (seriously) and more client driven than any hospital (SJMC, Damansara Specialists and Pantai) we went before cuma it needs a facelift to look new and all.
Datuk Dr. Zul was good, made us feel that he really cared for Zara (tapi garang giler ngan staff dia) he was thorough by malaysian drs. standard. The only problem we had was that they forgot the give us the antibiotics to bring home. The Dr. Hoe (changed dr. sebab Datuk cuti) reminded me, and i did ask the pharmacist when i collected the meds but biasalah in Malaysia.. ‘takde2 antibiotics.. ubat semua cukup’ (confident je). Once at home (maz dah bising takde antiboiotics), called the hospital up to find out what happened to the antibiotics (wasn’t as hard as i expected to know who was at fault). The ward nurses called us up a little later and as the Dr. predicted they forgot about the meds sebab antibiotics kat dalam fridge (power dr nye ramalan). Petang ni kena gi amik.
Kesimpulannya... lets all keep away from hospitals (live healthily) except the maternity ward ( the only happy place in a hospital). Oh yeah, Su was in labour when we were leaving (ward sebelah-sebelah je). We met the soon to be grandparents tapi miss jumpa shahrul (rasanya dia tengah gelabah time tu.. what am i sayiang.. MEMANG gelabah). i think dah deliver by now kot. Jom lawat diorang.. (temankan sekali aku amik antibiotics Zara)