Is it normal for an almost 4 year old to still be sticky? He is an attention HOGGERRR, even more so than his little sister.. Every night he has to sleep beside me.. plus he has to hold my hand. “Mama.. i want handdd...Buat macam batu!!” That means I have to form a fist for him to hold. Only mama nye hand je laku... i asked him to try ayah’s hand. Zareef slumberly answered ‘tangan ayah tak best.. banyak bulu)’
It’s time for us to kick him out of the room. We tried. We painted, put stars up, bought an ikea kid table, laid an ABC play mat, bought forest/cars kid themed bed-sheets and put all the toys in his room. Ayah told bedtime stories (sometimes ran out of ideas.. sampai ceriter pasal engineering - zareef layan part construction), sleeps halfway through the night and the standard tepuk tidur. It all seems to fail because in the morning when we wake up, his sleeping at our feet (the major issue - zareef never fails to wake up in the middle of the night). But the top it up, even though he fails to sleep in his room he asked for a TV with cartoons (the cheek of innocent kids.. rasa macam nak cubit je)
Every morning before work (mind you, it’s 5.30 am!), I have to ~layan~ him first.. Give him susu to drink (while holding my hand of course!), bring him around the neighborhood in my car (code name - ikut sederhana) and then lots of kisses, goodbyes and promises (‘mama jgn balik lambat tau’ & ‘nanti call zareed tau’) all this while in his ‘ngengek’ mode.. he is even known among the morning joggers and neighbors because of it. Alasan biasa.. budak2 tak cukup tidur.
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