Sunday, March 8

Su & Shahrul’s Baby Shower + Cranium Wars

Baby Showers... at first i didn’t know what to expect. Haven’t been to one, never heard any stories of it here, cant grasp the idea.. but heck its for a good cause and i can’t miss out on anything fun anymore. We did the well wish writing on the big cardboard message board, the signature book, presents, stickers and all the lovely-dovey thingy (some of the boys [luqman, mazlin, haziq, wafi] had a hard time thinking of things to write.. .memang tak jiwa romantis langsung). A lot of people turned up. It was just great.. full of baby loving people. Even though Mazlin looked scared or out of place with babies.

The rest of the evening was spent playing cranium. Our latest favorite past time. You’ll be surprised how entertaining to see Shahrul imitating Anna Karnikova with the bouncing b**bs and ‘aah’ sound or how Jazdee’s scultorade of a gondola..making a bald head (kononnya GONDOL..AAAA), Luqman’s drawing of a peacock, Wafi’s absurd snooze button answer and how simply cute Benjy changed the tires. These are just some of things that i remembered. Please add more if u guys remember anything else in the comments.

To the winners, no congrats or well dones... just wanted an answer for the record was it soy, soya, soya bean, soy bean, bean soy, bean soya, soya bean tree or what???

ps.. gambar kura2 dalam cardboard baby wishes tu cute lah.. talented luqman lukis.

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