Thursday, September 17

Berat puasa

Its been a while since we posted anything. To make it up i want to post about my weight, a very heavy issue. Actually I cant wait to boast about it (i know its going to bite me back after raya).

Wohhooooo!!!! Officially I have lost around 5 Kg during this Raya month. I achieved my goal of 68kg (halal lah .2kg) from 73kg (sebelum ni rahsia/sulit/top secret/PNC/OSA). Dont have to congratule me cause that weight scale kembangkan diri ini secukupnya. Dont want to bangga diri terlebih sebab i dont think i can maintain it. Just wanted to gloat while i still can.

ps.. Kawan2 yg still struggling tu.. jgn jelessss!! and the pic above is authentic as it gets.


Mazlina said...

jangan raya nanti naik balik sudah.. haha

Anonymous said...

ye la tuh authentic..