Tuesday, October 13

Check up + Body mass index (BMI)

We went to have our medical check-up last weekend. Everything went well (apart from our BMI) especially with the kids . It was interesting to see them going through the tests. Zareef was really good with the vision test. He could answer all the way to the bottom line (but he got wrong a Y with a V - if it was me i'll get half of it wrong). Zara as though playing a game with the dr answering wheres her ear, eyes, nose etc. The dr was very friendly and attentive making it all the merrier. She even addressed zareef as 'robot' to play along with zareefs antics.

I found out that i was a little overweight while Maz was underweight according to the BMI. The dr who was a little chunky herself pointed out the BMI was a little biased to us Asians due to our shorter structure. I agreeeeee fully with her. Stating the check-up was very meticulous (they made us take off our shoes and making sure our heads felt the tip of the measuring stick) , i found out that i was 4cm shorter than what i assumed for so long (to my bitter disappointment) . My friends will have a laugh with this one, i get enough short jokes as it is (but most of my friends are tall - escape clause yet again).

When i got back i did a little research about BMI (its the bitter disappointment raging me on). Here is what i found out.
  • Below is the formula, graph and table information for BMI

( kg/m² )
(weight in kilograms)
(height in meters)²

Disease Risk* Relative to Normal Weight and Waist Circumference


Men 102 cm (40 in) or less
Women 88 cm (35 in) or less
Men > 102 cm (40 in)
Women > 88 cm (35 in)
Underweight <18.5>
18.5 - 24.9

25.0 - 29.9

30.0 - 34.9
Very High

35.0 - 39.9
Very High
Very High
Extreme Obesity
40.0 +
Extremely High
Extremely High

  • Waist calculations: It is a good indicator of your abdominal fat which is another predictor of your risk for developing risk factors for heart disease and other diseases. Male have to keep it below 40inch and female 35inch. That is why sometimes you see athletes/ body builders undoubtedly very heavy but have slim waists. Increased waist circumference can also be a marker for increased risk even in persons of normal weight. So you should also take not of the waist together with the weight.
  • Limitations of BMI: It may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build (i would like to think i'm in this category) and it may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass. Most athletes are considered overweight or obese according to their BMI.
  • International Variations: Different countries have different limits for example Singapore reduced the normal/overweight boundary from 25 to 23 but WHO has set it to 25 which is constantly revised (it was previously 27.5). Their goes the insurance premium.
  • Age factor: It is an unreliable indicator for people the age of 16 and below and aging old folks.
  • Body build-up: It does not cater for people not in the norm of medium built. Somebody who is relatively stout or kepeng wont get a fair assessment due to bone mass, muscle density and so forth.
Something to share. Hope its informative. Do stay healthy and not forgetting happy.


Mrs Baharudin said...

wow, maz underweight? wow.. i yg 49kg pun normal, bet maz must be early 40s kot her weight. makan maz, jgn tak makan ;)

Anonymous said...

bozord, lu tak gemuk.. just big boned.. macam cartman (south park)

farizzet said...

bozord, camne makin rendah ni... your son is catching up.

Mazlina said...

hahah.. i on the line je la sheri.. kalau naik lagi 2kg ke, normal pulak..

funny that it seems that we are at the extremes of BMI la dear.. cepat cepat lose more weight! height tak dapat nak tolong la.. heheh