Friday, April 24

Along's Birthday


Dear along,
Happy 35th birthday. Wish you a long and prosperous life(a lot easier kalau dah turun from your average weight of 130kg). Eventhough ur always away (Ugandalah, thailandlah, egyptlah, seattle lah, hong konglah.. etc..) and far from sight. We always have you close at heart especially zareef. Cant wait for you and the rest to come back. Give our love to kak yan, jaja and nana. we miss and love you all very much.

i remembered what zareef said the other day about you (see below).

Zareef: i love pak long so much
ayah: pasal apa zareef sayang paklong?
Zareef: sebab pak long gemuk macam kungfu panda.

Take care... wherever you are.


The House of AZ said...

kungfu panda.. heheh..
made me laugh out loud..

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ain..we're looking forward to see everybody this summer. should be there by 1st week of July.

Tell Zareef,Pak long misses him too! Nanti balik,pak long tunjuk "body slam" and tips on how to drive your parents nuts. :-p

Love from Uganda