Zara is nearly two and can relatively communicate. So we decided to potty train her (more like the wife actually, i didnt mind another year delay). Personally, I dont like this part of the kids development. Yeah yeah.. i know i know parent duty and all that, I'll suck it up.
Its just that you wouldn't imagine how much poop and shee shee this small creatures have. Zara can definitely overcome even my 130kg brother - totaling more than 10 times a day. And the timing (in the middle of prayerslah, eatinglah, nappinglah) not to mention the location. Somehow Zara likes to target my favorite napping sofa and arrghhhh ...the clean-up. How come its always me (exaggerating for dramatic effect) that has to clean-up while the wife and bibik rather tend to Zara's washing leaving me feeling like the loser all the time.
I remembered one time during Zareef reign of toilet terror. He accidently pooped, scooped it from his pants and handed it over to me while smiling.... saying "Nah ayah/Here you go Daddy".
Ps.. sorry for the grossness, but that is how beautiful kids are. I wanted to post pics but let met get a really grossy caught in the act picture to freak you guys out first.
haha..zareef's really funny..hope zara's not planning on doing that to you!
haha.. i know we can wait another year but sooner or later we have to go through this 'trying' time.. think of the advantage.. the pampers we can save by potty training.. have to admit zareef is easier to potty trained than zara.. zara is very particular and 'cerewet'.. haha..
the first month will be hard lah.. always suspen dia tershee shee on the floor.. spending lots of time in the toilet with her.. singing, trying to distract her.. (that doesnt work) but we're lucky to have a patient bibik to potty train zara! better now than later!
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