Monday, November 23

Zaza - Superheroes

Lately the kids have been watching too much TV as you can see from the pics. Like everybody, they tend to get influence on what they see. They are into superheroes now. I doubt Zara really understands but she just follows what Zareef does and she naturally gets a kick from dressing up anyways. Zareefs pulling out names such as Ben-10, Superman, Batman, Spiderman and all but the best part and really means a lot to me was when i first asked him about his favorite hero:

Ayah: Zareef, who is your favorite superhero?
Zareef: AYAHHH lahhh!! (without coercion or manipulation, real honesty)
Ayah (feeling absolutely proud and high): Zareef, your my hero too!


niSamiR said...

ayu la pulak zara dgn rambut mengurai ke depan tuuu...

Muslimah Perth said...

Now that explains why they are wearing kain pelikat as a cape, they follow their fave superhero la tuh ;p