Tuesday, December 1

Loji penapisan najis

We are still potty training Zara. click here for previous posting on the issue. So here are the few grossssss moments I was talking about. And yes the daddy 1-man clean-up Indah water crew was delegated to handle the natural disaster. To add more umphh to the story, even the yellow ducks in the pics were filled with the highly nutritious yellow brown water.


The beauty of being a family!!??


suria said...

haha..kesian u bozord..i had to do my share jugak..but alhamdulillah it has not happened for quite sometime :)haven't started toilet training tho

ZZ said...

terima kasih kerana kesian... sebab zara and zareef takde rasa bersalah langsungg!!

kalau nak best lagi.. kalau kesian.. boleh hantar kodeng tolong bersihkan

Shahrul said...

alaaa zul...ko masa kecik kecik pun camtu gak...hahaha