Saturday, July 25

Feel appreciated by colleagues

TNB = Top No.1 Bureaucracy

Came to work on Friday and realized the July payslip is out. People are smiling more than usual. Seems like some of them got extra allowances with 7 months back dated (but i'm not one of them). Some of them are getting up to RM700 extra a month from now on. I felt really happy for them. They earned it and right fully deserved.

People came up to me to thanked me. Some bought me dinner (currently sangat kenyang and gemuk). Others promised to do so too.
i felt really appreciated. I have always believed when you do good to people, people will remember.

The appreciation came about when I realized that some senior colleagues were being short changed by TNB. All TNB staff know this occurs every other day. Some moron interpreted a circular worngly (either shows incompetance or malice) and leaving the staff getting a pay cut (TNB memang suka betul bab mintak lebih, bayar tak nak). The staff involved inquired about it from the department management and HR of divisions. As usual too, all cock and bull story came up leaving everybody frustated. In the end, the staffs were tired of trying and lived with it but still very bitter and pissed.

Along with other issues, me being pissed off with the company made a fuss about everything to everyone. I just can't accept they are bending us over and sticking it to us. I was persistent and vocal in demanding what we deserved. Met/emailed the HR, the management and the union heads. Sold some names to be blamed. Made some people embarassed (therefore made some 'friends'). Prepared all the facts and paperwork needed. Pushed (very hard) all the issues to the union head to bring it up. Thank fully the Union was happy to shoot at Management too even more so with obvious proof of incompetancy.

So little by little we are getting what is rightfully ours. But still more to come and its taking too slow. You think goverment is slow, they are like rabbits compared to us kura2 TNB. I will swallow what i say if anybody can proof otherwise. I hope this entry wont give a negative impression of me. I bersyukur i have a stable job (even though not paid that high) and enough to provide for my family. I just cant stand working for selfish/inconsiderate/moronic/greedy people and being taken for a ride. I am not an idiot/walkover like they think.

ps.. i learned we got to stick it back where it hurts to get the message through.

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