Friday, July 3

Now that I'm home...

It's been a few days since I got back from Houston. Now I am up and running, following my normal routine.. wakes up at 530am every morning, drives 30 minutes to work, work work work then returns home at 430pm.. It's not as bad as I dreaded.. :) Morever, leaving my family for 2 weeks made me appreciate them more. It's true that the Houston getaway was refreshing and was really needed, but my place is always with my family.

Zareef was so excited to see me, that he didn't stop talking for a while. I was so tired from the long journey, but was very glad to see how happy he was to see me. Now he is back to his usual sticky and ngengek mode (he is still my Zareef.. hehe). Zara suprised me though. I didn't expect her to miss me this much. She usually won't stay still for a second, but when I came home, she was content just to sit on my lap and hugged me for a long time.. like she's afraid to let me go again. I was so touched, even a one year old knows how to show love :) The only unfortunate thing is that I have to stop nursing her for good due to the 2 weeks getaway. I don't have a lot of supply left, and stopping was easier than continuing to express everyday. Zara seems to understand, but she still unconsciously wants it sometimes, especially at nights. Poor baby, this kinda breaks my heart still..

And to my husband.. being away for 2 weeks make me appreciate and love him a lot lot more too.. Thank you for taking care of the kids while I am away. I know it was not easy with 2 very active kids! But you did a marvellous job, dear! Love you a lot!


ZZ said...

taking care of the kids was a breeze compare to missing you.

ps.. org lain jgn termuntah.

The House of AZ said...

too late..

dah termuntah dah pun..

get a room!

Chowchow said...

Welcome home Maz...Don't worry - I didn't puke... LOL