Wednesday, July 1

Scrap-It-Lah July challenge

It's July already! Here is another very interesting challenge from Scrap-It-Lah.. the Malaysian breakfast challenge! Here is my take for this challenge.. "Someone to watch over me". Love this picture of Zareef and Zara together in matching red sleepsuits. Although Zareef always bullies Zara, I know that Zareef will always watching over his sister.. like a big brother should. :)


niSamiR said... hasil dr shooping kat US ke??hihih

Mazlina said...

haha.. shopping kat US tu belom sentuh lagi.. anyway, this is done before leaving to houston.. :)

ZZ said...

love it. captures zareef positive side for once. hope they look after each other forever.

Muslimah Perth said...

love the pic and the artwork u made. looking at them reminds me of adam and ayra jugak. gaduh and adam cengeng and ayra beralah and baik hati. sebijik mcm ur kids kan? i like how zareef's eyes nampak caring seorang abang ;). so sweet lah. bila la nak jumpa ek my A pair dgn your Z pair?

Mazlina said...

thanks sheri.. itulah.. sebijik la like your A pair.. i pun tak sabar nak jumpe your A pair.. lambatnyer.. hehehe..