Friday, May 8

Zareef tau dah...

Yey.. another long weekend for me. Office is closed today as replacement holiday for Wesak Day, which is tomorrow. The best thing is, Zareef goes to school today. So, I get this rare quiet moments at home, with Zara. :)

I remembered a conversation with Zareef a couple of days ago, while driving him and Zara "ikut sederhana" (means driving them around the blocks before going to work). I was persuading him to go to school as he said he was reluctant to go to school that day..

Mama : Zareef kena la pergi sekolah.. nak jadi engineer kena pergi sekolah, bagi pandai
Zareef : Tapi Zareef dah pandai dah.. Zareef dah tau dah semua teacher ajar
Mama : Ye ke, tapi Zareef tak pandai baca lagi..
Zareef : Pandai la, Zareef dah pandai spell
Mama : Tapi Zareef tak pandai baca, tak pandai tambah, tolak darab, bahagi. Banyak lagi Zareef nak belajar!
Zareef : OK la mama....

It's so funny how they think and look upon the world..Their world is simple and very straightforward. How I wish the world is really like that.. hehe..


Jessy Christopher said...

Zareef is so cute!! Well working with children is always fun! They are so genuine and just love how they think too. LOL!!

Mazlina said...

yeah.. you;re right.. i respect that you deal with kids everyday. I cant imagine handling a class of kids like Zareef. heheh

Jessy Christopher said...

I have 26 in my class... so imagine 26 of Zareef then... LOL!!